Angie Anderson headshot

Angie Anderson

Content Strategy, Editing, Writing

Angie Anderson, Writer

Painting pictures with words. It’s more than just a job for me. It’s my passion. It flows through me like a river rushing down a mountain, surging through the rapids, and gliding into a lake filled with rainbow-colored fish. I feel them. Deep inside. And out they come. (It’s really annoying when I’m trying to sleep, let me tell you.)

Angie Anderson, Content Strategist

Whether you want to discuss content strategy from a marketing and communications perspective or you want to collaborate on creating a well-researched, well-executed UX content strategy, I can put my two decades of content strategy experience along with my background in user experience (UX) and accessibility (a11y) to work to create a cohesive, consistent, and robust experience. But I can’t do it by myself.

I believe in working as a team, combining the talents and experiences of unique individuals and mixing it up to create something fresh and nuanced and highly effective in a way that achieves results.

Angie Anderson, Editor

Let’s talk about the Oxford comma. ‘Nuff said.